So you wanna be a champion?

So I owned games night during the month of June.

It’s because I am pretty awesome at tokaido as I am the only one who seems to remember it’s all about how many points you have at the end. We also came up with our own variation where we journey to Kyoto from Tokyo and then back again. It really shows you who has the best budgeting skills.

We also cracked out Attica this month, which we hadn’t played in years. It’s much better as a three person game. I might review it tomorrow.

Right now I just want to bask in the glory of winning.
Coming up on my next blog: Just two more days of June posts left.

Good Game ??

Today I pose an age old philosophical question:

Is is ever a good idea to play competitive games with people that you like?

Last night I hosted a wine and cheese party. Every food item was cheese related. We had Parmesan pieces, fried halloumi, two cheese pinwheels, cheese puffs, cheese corn chips, cheese pastizzi, quiche and Brie.

But the real draw card for the night (in more ways than one) was the promise of board games.

To make the night a little more fun and interesting, though it turned out we didn’t really need it as the wine took care of that, I made some house chance cards.



They are kind of similar to the idea of house rules when playing board games. I decided that when anyone rolled a multiple of three they would need to pick up a card. It kind of worked, but like I said, we didn’t really need them in the end.

For The Game of Life we played in pairs. It is a great game, however, my friend Whereupon Lon reckons that it is a very prescriptive American Dream kind of game. I don’t know how she fitted this theory in with her blatant cheating by stealing notes from the bank, but one might argue that is the only way the American Dream can be achieved nowadays.

The boys were not so interested in seeing how their lives would turn out so they chose the Articulate as the second game to play. I had never played this game before and my friend who had brought the board game with her made the ominous recommendation that couples shouldn’t play on the same team.

The idea of the game is that you have to describe a word without using it for your team members to guess. You go through as many as possible in a specific category to progress on the board. It sounds simple. It is simple. But it leads to a lot of yelling, namely from me.

I am pretty sure a few blogs ago I described myself as quite hard to get along with and that my biggest challenge in life is to tone that down so that people will come near me. Unfortunately this personality and board games don’t mix particularly well. The problem is I can’t help myself. I know it’s just a game and I don’t even care about winning, I just don’t know what happens to me.

Still, I think it was a good night.

My hope is that it will turn into a regular thing for my friends.

I guess that’s only if I didn’t scare them off with my over competitiveness.

Coming up on my next blog: Probably more gardening. I don’t know why I left it for the end of my holiday, I should be relaxing right now and savouring my last days off not edging garden beds and laying turf.